Training at EVI
EVI is dedicated at strengthening public health and vaccine research capacities in the fight against diseases of poverty and emerging infectious diseases. EVI recognises that training of scientists from low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) is a key component in building a long-term sustainable and vibrant local research environment.
In 2015, EVI joined the EDCTP/TDR Clinical Research and Development Fellowship (CRDF) Scheme as a hosting institution. The purpose of this fellowship scheme is to provide training to junior to mid-career researchers from LMICs to acquire specialist skills in clinical research and development through placements in pharmaceutical companies and PDPs.
The goal of the placement at EVI is to facilitate critical decision-making in vaccinology by providing fellows with an overview of the field, from antigen discovery to vaccine development and clinical research according to international guidelines particularly for early stage vaccine development. The training methodology has two complementary approaches: a series of lectures combined with hands-on training. Topics covered include, among others, project management, preclinical and clinical development of vaccines, GMP manufacturing and regulatory aspects.
Coming from a background that was mostly clinical, the learning curve in
terms of professional development has been very steep. I have been exposed
to different aspects of vaccine development and project management within reputable international consortia working on grand scientific innovations. This experience has opened my mind up to new possibilities and I look forward to passing on new knowledge and skills to my Ugandan colleagues.

Dr. Amanda Wanyana
Medical Officer & Researcher at Uganda Virus Research Institute- International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, Uganda
Fellowship period 2021-2022
The fellowship at EVI has been a great experience. I learnt about various concepts on vaccinology, such as product development, preclinical and clinical development, and vaccine-related project management. I had hands-on experience in managing several vaccine research projects, (...) and innovation
for vaccine development projects. The staff at EVI was great in making me feel welcomed and part of the team.

Masauso Moses Phiri, PhD
Lecturer and researcher at University of Zambia, Zambia
Fellowship period 2021-2022
Dr. María del Mar Castro
Researcher at Centro Internacional de Entrenamiento e Investigaciones Médicas, Colombia
Fellowship period 2017
Training at EVI was an amazing experience. The training programme was centered on my institution’s research needs and those of vulnerable Colombians. The experience and role of EVI in vaccine development was a great platform to gain skills that benefitted research at my institution
in Colombia.

Since the beginning of EVI’s involvement in the CRDF programme, several researchers from sub-Saharan Africa and South America with different educational backgrounds and working experiences were hosted by EVI:
Name | Institution | Date | Fellowship Programme | |
Aloyce Costantine | National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania | Fellow at EVI | 2022-2023 | EDCTP | |
Japhet Anim | Kintampo Health Research Centre | Fellow at EVI | 2021-2022 | EDCTP | |
Moses Phiri | The University of Zambia, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Microbiology | Fellow at EVI | 2021-2022 | WHO/TDR | |
Amanda Wanyana | Uganda Virus Research Institute/International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) | Fellow at EVI | 2021-2022 | WHO/TDR | |
Robert Shey | University of Buea, Cameroon | Fellow at EVI | 2020-2021 | WHO/TDR | |
James Onyemata | Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria | Fellow at EVI | 2019-2020 | EDCTP | |
Moussa Niangaly | University of Sciences Techniques and Technologies of Bamako, Mali | Fellow at EVI | 2018-2019 | WHO/TDR | |
Fassiatou Tairou | University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar, Senegal | Fellow at EVI | 2018-2019 | WHO/TDR | |
María del Mar Castro | Universidad del Valle, Colombia | Fellow at EVI | 2017-2018 | WHO/TDR | |
Fabrice Somé | Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé, Direction Régionale de l’Ouest, Burkina Faso | Fellow at EVI | 2016-2017 | WHO/TDR | |
Siaka Débé | Centre National de Recherche et de Formation sur le Paludisme (CNRFP), Burkina Faso | Fellow at EVI | 2016-2017 | WHO/TDR | |
Eric Nébié | University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso | Fellow at EVI | 2015-2016 | WHO/TDR |
EVI supervises PhD students from low- and middle-income countries under our capacity building activities in vaccine development projects.
We are always interested in hearing from talented and committed professionals, who are interested in working with us to make a difference in global health, either through internships, secondments, sabbaticals or our regular vacancies.
Contact us at or check our career opportunities.