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 EVI General Assembly 

General Assembly


EVI is governed by a General Assembly (GA) representing each of the 5 member institutions. The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of EVI and meets at least twice a year to ensure that the annual budget and associated work plan is efficiently executed. The General Assembly approves EVI policies and appoints the Executive Director, the Finance and Risk Management Committee (FRMC), the Strategic Scientific Advisory Committee (SSAC). EVI General Assembly provides a forum for balanced strategic decision making, innovation and partner collaboration.

Samuel McConkey

Samuel McConkey

Board Chair

RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ireland

Michael Lanzer

Michael Lanzer

Board Member

Heidelberg University, Germany

Sten Larsen Finnsson

Sten Larsen Finnsson

Ex-officio member

EVI Finance and HR Director

Clemens Kocken

Clemens Kocken

Board Vice-Chair

Biomedical Primate Research Centre, The Netherlands

David Salisbury

David Salisbury

Board Member

Royal Institute of International Affairs, UK; WHO Global Commission for Certification of Poliomyelitis Eradication.

Christiane Gerke

Christiane Gerke

Board Member

Institut Pasteur,

Ole Olesen

Ole Olesen

Ex-officio member

EVI Executive Director

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